Monday, June 16, 2008

Long time no write

When last I posted, the second face-down, third vitrectomy was about to happen. And gentle reader, happen it did, but to no positive end. However, since my whole goal with this blog was to document what it was like, now I will try to reconnect with some of the events of the past six weeks and lead up to where I am now rather than going through all the current gloom immediately.

First, the surgery really wasn't scheduled for 3 pm. That was wishful thinking on someone's part. At any rate it didn't happen until after 5 pm. I think the surgery itself went smoothly from all I can tell. This time the admitting nurse was a real nervous nellie who for some reason kept forgetting I was there--after SAYING to me that she often forgot to do the eye drops in a timely fashion, she proceeded to disappear for over an hour. During that hour I was sure the IV was pushing fluids directly into bone, leading me to push the call button to get help--not from nn as it happened, but from someone else. Fortunately I was moved down to the OR pre-op soon after the IV incident where the nurse finally did the eye drops. Also, the anesthesiologist was good and gave me all the good stuff so no nausea or anxiety. Yay!

Now to face down. The pillow construction system was in place and certainly worked better than the rental stuff from before. The small buckwheat pillow and the two curved pillows for between the legs were the major helpers. I could use the curved pillows all sorts of ways to support my face yet keep pressure off the sinuses.

Thanks also to Michael for my iPod playing system which enabled me to listed to some hella long books!

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