Friday, November 2, 2012

November in California

This is the sum total of my Halloween decorations and may well be the autumn theme for most of this month.

Tomato season continues for the CSA box. This week we got 4 yellow heirloom tomatoes and a bunch of not quite red San Marzanos. Last week there were a lot and eventually I put them all in a pan, drizzled olive oil and salamoia bolognese over them and roasted them for about an hour. That, on an egg in a sandwich of good sour dough bread, was a yummy dinner. The roasted tomatoes keep well in the refrigerator and can be added to almost anything.

The recipe for the herb-infused salt is here:

The concept of such simple wonderfulness with roasted tomatoes comes from Girlsgonechild's mom:

In addition to the tomatoes, it is still yellow rose season at the 1459.

I believe this rose is called St Patrick. In the spring the buds have a lot of green in them but by fall they are mostly dark yellow. The blooms last a long time when they are cut and even longer on the bush. It's such a nice treat to see them by the front door.

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